Sunday, November 16, 2008

More Golden Age!

Here are three more characters from my forthcoming as-of-yet untitled graphic novel.

First, Doc Steele. He was modeled after Nedor's Doc Strange. I'm not the first to take this old character and make something new out of him. Most notably, Alan Moore brought him back as Tom Strong from America's Best Comics.

Lady Victory is not the name of an actual character (surprisingly), but in creating her I was inspired by a few Golden Age female heroes I researched.

Finally there's Dark Terror, formerly knows as "The Black Terror". I ditched his Lone-Ranger/Robin mask in favor of one that I felt was strke "terror" in the hearts of evil-doers.

More in the coming days.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Golden Age Reimaginings

Here are two characters from a graphic novel I'm developing which involves numerous characters from the golden age. Since these characters are in the public domain now, I've taken advantage of it and re-designed them. Captain Future was a character from Nedor Comics in the 1940s, and Athena is from Greek mythology. I'm sure she appeared at some point or another in those formative years, although I haven't found an appearance yet. More in the coming days.


Friday, November 7, 2008

Commissions and Stuff

I've included a few things I've finished over the last few days. I'm still dreadfully behind on a few commissions, but I hope to rectify that over the next several days.

Here you have (in no particular order:

The Baronness from G.I. Joe (c) 2008 Hasbro.

A creature imagined by David Price (c) 2008 David Price...

My version of Centaur Publications' Man of War character (c) 2008 Michael Powell

And a preview page from Stormblazer # 12 from Ultimate Comics Group.
(c)2008 Ultimate Comics Group, LLC. I expect the issue to be completed by Christmas, and the release date is probably in January or February, not sure. I'll be promoting it as the times draws closer.


Monday, November 3, 2008

The Crusader

Meet the American Crusader. He's sometimes known only as "Crusader". He's a golden age superhero from the public domain that I'll be using in a graphic novel I'm putting together in my head these days. It may take a while before any pages are posted, but I'll have plenty of character designs in the coming weeks. Stay tuned.


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Nightcat Commission

Another long overdue commission. Our wi-fi in the hotel we've been staying in after Hurricane Ike is extremely slow, so I haven't posted much. We came to town for Halloween, so I'm using my grandparent's computer for this. I hope to fix the wi-fi problem by changing out a cable. Hope it works.

Nightcat is a character created by Jennifer MacDonald. Visit her website at for some awesome art featuring this and other characters.

(c)2008 Jennifer MacDonald
